Смотреть фильм рождественская история на английском. Чарльз Диккенс "Рождественская песнь в прозе": обзор книги

The Project Gutenberg EBook of A Christmas Carol, by Charles Dickens

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almost no restrictions whatsoever. You may copy it, give it away or
re-use it under the terms of the Project Gutenberg License included
with this eBook or online at www.gutenberg.org

Title: A Christmas Carol

Illustrator: George Alfred Williams

Release Date: September 20, 2006
Last updated: January 21, 2009

Language: English

Produced by Jason Isbell and the Online Distributed
Proofreading Team at http://www.pgdp.net




Copyright, 1905, by The Baker & Taylor Company

" He had been Tim"s blood horse all the way from church. "


The combined qualities of the realist and the idealist which Dickens possessed to a remarkable degree, together with his naturally jovial attitude toward life in general, seem to have given him a remarkably happy feeling toward Christmas, though the privations and hardships of his boyhood could have allowed him but little real experience with this day of days.

Dickens gave his first formal expression to his Christmas thoughts in his series of small books, the first of which was the famous "Christmas Carol," the one perfect chrysolite. The success of the book was immediate. Thackeray wrote of it: "Who can listen to objections regarding such a book as this It seems to me a national benefit, and to every man or woman who reads it, a personal kindness. "

This volume was put forth in a very attractive manner, with illustrations by John Leech, who was the first artist to make these characters live, and his drawings were varied and spirited.

There followed upon this four others: "The Chimes," "The Cricket on the Hearth," "The Battle of Life," and "The Haunted Man," with illustrations on their first appearance by Doyle, Maclise, and others. The five are known to-day as the "Christmas Books. " Of them all the "Carol" is the best known and loved, and "The Cricket on the Hearth," although third in the series, is perhaps next in point of popularity, and is especially familiar to Americans through Joseph Jefferson"s characterisation of Caleb Plummer.

Dickens seems to have put his whole self into these glowing little stories. Whoever sees but a clever ghost story in the "Christmas Carol" misses its chief charm and lesson, for there is a different meaning in the movements of Scrooge and his attendant spirits. A new life is brought to Scrooge when he, "running to his window, opened it and put out his head. No fog, no mist; clear, bright, jovial, stirring cold; cold, piping for the blood to dance to; Golden sun-light; Heavenly sky; sweet fresh air; merry bells. Oh, glorious! Glorious! " All this brightness has its attendant shadow, and deep from the childish heart comes that true note of pathos, the ever memorable toast of Tiny Tim, "God bless Us, Every One! " "The Cricket on the Hearth" strikes a different note. Charmingly, poetically, the sweet chirping of the little cricket is associated with human feelings and actions, and at the crisis of the story decides the fate and fortune of the carrier and his wife.

Приближается Рождество. А как известно, именно фильмы о Рождестве помогают нам забыть о повседневной суете и почувствовать праздничное настроение!
Поэтому сегодня в нашем кинозале вы будете смотреть онлайн мультфильм Рождественская история (A Christmas Carol 2009) на английском языке с английскими субтитрами по книге Чарльза Диккенса. К мультфильму прилагается текст, который разбит на отдельные сцены, что очень удобно для изучения английского языка. Сцены желательно предварительно распечатать.

Watching Christmas films and reading Christmas books is the best way to get in Christmas spirit.

А еще читайте отрывки из книги «Рождественская история» на английском языке в оригинале или на русском языке в переводе Т.А. Озерской. Также Вы можете смотреть онлайн мультфильм в нашем кинозале.

A Christmas Carol 2009 (in English, with subtitles)

Текст на английском языке к сценам из мультфильма ->

А теперь приготовьтесь к встрече с ПЕРВЫМ призраком. Вот как он выглядел (если верить Озерской Т.А.)

Скрудж увидел перед собой очень странное существо, похожее на ребенка, но еще более на старичка <…> Его длинные, рассыпавшиеся по плечам волосы были белы, как волосы старца, однако на его лице не видно было ни морщинки и на щеках играл нежный румянец. Руки у него были очень длинные и мускулистые, а ноги — обнаженные. Облачено это существо было в белоснежную тунику, подпоясанную дивно сверкающим кушаком <…>, а подол его одеяния был украшен живыми цветами. Но что было удивительнее всего, так это яркая струя света, которая била у него из макушки вверх и освещала всю его фигуру. <…> Под мышкой призрак держал гасилку в виде колпака, служившую ему по-видимому головным убором <…>

А вот и описание призрака на английском языке:

It was a strange figure — like a child: yet not so like a child as like an old man <….> Its hair, which hung about its neck and down its back, was white as if with age; and yet the face had not a wrinkle in it, and the tenderest bloom was on the skin. The arms were very long and muscular; the hands the same, as if its hold were of uncommon strength. Its legs and feet, most delicately formed, were, like those upper members, bare. It wore a tunic of the purest white, and round its waist was bound a lustrous belt, the sheen of which was beautiful. <…> and its dress was trimmed with summer flowers. But the strangest thing about it was, that from the crown of its head there sprung a bright clear jet of light, by which all this was visible;<….> a great extinguisher for a cap, which it now held under its arm.<…>

* * *

А вот как описывает Чарльз Диккенс ВТОРОГО и ТРЕТЬЕГО призрака:

The second ghost

It was clothed in one simple green robe, or mantle, bordered with white fur. This garment hung so loosely on the figure, that its capacious breast was bare, as if disdaining to be warded or concealed by any artifice. Its feet, observable beneath the ample folds of the garment, were also bare; and on its head it wore no other covering than a holly wreath, set here and there with shining icicles. Its dark brown curls were long and free; free as its genial face, its sparkling eye, its open hand, its cheery voice, its unconstrained demeanour, and its joyful air. Girded round its middle was an antique scabbard; but no sword was in it, and the ancient sheath was eaten up with rust.<…>

Описание второго призрака (Духа Рождества) в переводе на русский язык
Он был одет в простой зеленый балахон или мантию, отороченную белым мехом. Это одеяние свободно висело на его фигуре, обнажая грудь, что как бы выражало презрение любым условностям и фальши. Его ноги, видневшиеся из-под складок его одежды, были босые, а на голове был только венок из остролиста, из которого там и сям торчали блестящие льдинки. Темные длинные кудри, обрамлявшие его открытое лицо, блестящие глаза, огромные руки, бодрый голос, непринужденное поведение и довольный вид создавали впечатление свободы и радости. На поясе у него весели старинные ножны, но меча в них не было, а сами ножны были изъедены ржавчиной.<…>

The third ghost

It was shrouded in a deep black garment, which concealed its head, its face, its form, and left nothing of it visible save one outstretched hand. But for this it would have been difficult to detach its figure from the night, and separate it from the darkness by which it was surrounded.<…>

Описание третьего призрака (Духа Смерти) в переводе на русский язык

На нем было черное одеяние с капюшоном, похожее на саван, которое скрывало его лицо и фигуру. Если бы не вытянутая рука, его невозможно было бы разглядеть в ночи и отделить от той тьмы, которая его окружала.<…>

The Project Gutenberg EBook of A Christmas Carol, by Charles Dickens

This eBook is for the use of anyone anywhere at no cost and with
almost no restrictions whatsoever. You may copy it, give it away or
re-use it under the terms of the Project Gutenberg License included
with this eBook or online at www.gutenberg.org

Title: A Christmas Carol

Illustrator: George Alfred Williams

Release Date: September 20, 2006
Last updated: January 21, 2009

Language: English

Produced by Jason Isbell and the Online Distributed
Proofreading Team at http://www.pgdp.net




Copyright, 1905, by The Baker & Taylor Company

" He had been Tim"s blood horse all the way from church. "


The combined qualities of the realist and the idealist which Dickens possessed to a remarkable degree, together with his naturally jovial attitude toward life in general, seem to have given him a remarkably happy feeling toward Christmas, though the privations and hardships of his boyhood could have allowed him but little real experience with this day of days.

Dickens gave his first formal expression to his Christmas thoughts in his series of small books, the first of which was the famous "Christmas Carol," the one perfect chrysolite. The success of the book was immediate. Thackeray wrote of it: "Who can listen to objections regarding such a book as this It seems to me a national benefit, and to every man or woman who reads it, a personal kindness. "

This volume was put forth in a very attractive manner, with illustrations by John Leech, who was the first artist to make these characters live, and his drawings were varied and spirited.

There followed upon this four others: "The Chimes," "The Cricket on the Hearth," "The Battle of Life," and "The Haunted Man," with illustrations on their first appearance by Doyle, Maclise, and others. The five are known to-day as the "Christmas Books. " Of them all the "Carol" is the best known and loved, and "The Cricket on the Hearth," although third in the series, is perhaps next in point of popularity, and is especially familiar to Americans through Joseph Jefferson"s characterisation of Caleb Plummer.

Dickens seems to have put his whole self into these glowing little stories. Whoever sees but a clever ghost story in the "Christmas Carol" misses its chief charm and lesson, for there is a different meaning in the movements of Scrooge and his attendant spirits. A new life is brought to Scrooge when he, "running to his window, opened it and put out his head. No fog, no mist; clear, bright, jovial, stirring cold; cold, piping for the blood to dance to; Golden sun-light; Heavenly sky; sweet fresh air; merry bells. Oh, glorious! Glorious! " All this brightness has its attendant shadow, and deep from the childish heart comes that true note of pathos, the ever memorable toast of Tiny Tim, "God bless Us, Every One! " "The Cricket on the Hearth" strikes a different note. Charmingly, poetically, the sweet chirping of the little cricket is associated with human feelings and actions, and at the crisis of the story decides the fate and fortune of the carrier and his wife.

In this book of excitement the main character, Scrooge, who is acomplete grouch (especially at Christmas) is visited by the ghost of hisdead business partner who is there to warn him. The Ghost tells himthat he will be visited by three more ghosts. And they take him on ajourney through Christmas Past, Present, and Future to see the ups ofChristmas and the downs of the way he is living to try to save him andmany others from himself, and his huge Bah Humbug Attitude. This book isan eye opener and a sensation.
Dickens sets his novella in this the Christmas period to show thetrue meaning of sharing, giving and receiving. Through hisrepresentation of Scrooge, Dickens wants the reader to learn from hismiserable personality and to encourage others to change their ways too.It seems that the reason why he wanted to do this was because the richdidn’t appreciate the poor; during the Industrial Revolution the gapwidened between the rich and the poor - the poor being forgotten. Thisis why Scrooge then was visited by three different ghosts: the past,present and future. These ghosts highlight the need for Scrooge tochange and value the poor and recognise their needs.

Уровень B. Прочее.

Christmas Story

Inspired by the forthcoming Christmas and my students

This story may have happened a long time ago or quite recently. There lived a boy named Thomas in a big house. His parents were very rich, so Tomas had always had everything he wanted. Everything except … happiness. One Christmas day he got up and, as usually, saw all kinds of nice presents under the Christmas tree. “Another boring Christmas”, – he thought yawning. – “Why do people like it so much?” The boy opened a couple of presents but it didn’t help much. Nothing made him happy.

Suddenly Thomas heard a strange noise coming from the window. He looked out and saw children joyfully playing in the street. They were wearing worn-out torn clothes, thus it was obvious that they were poor.

Thomas couldn’t refrain from staying at home. He came up to children and said: “Merry Christmas! Can I join you?” One of the boys answered: “You’re welcome”.

They made snowmen, played snowballs, sleighed and went carol singing till late. Thomas had never had such a wonderful Christmas! In the evening he invited poor children to his house for dinner. They ate a lot of tasty things and had a good time playing together.

The day was drawing to a close. “How wonderful this Christmas is!” – thought Thomas handing out the presents to poor children. They thanked the boy as they had never got such things before.

When he heard it, he became as happy as a king and understood that the real happiness is the opportunity to share your joy with the others.

May this day be so special that you never ever feel lonely and be surrounded by loved ones throughout! Merry Coming Christmas!

Возможно, эта история произошла давным-давно, а может, совсем недавно. В большом доме жил-был мальчик по имени Томас. У него были очень богатые родители, поэтому у Томаса всегда было все, что он хотел. Все, кроме… счастья.

Однажды на Рождество он проснулся и как обычно увидел под елкой много всяких красивых подарков. «Еще одно скучное Рождество», – подумал он, зевая. – «И почему оно так нравится людям?» Он открыл пару подарков, но это не помогло. Ничто его не радовало.

Вдруг Томас услышал странный шум, доносящийся из окна. Он выглянул и увидел детей, радостно играющих на улице. Все они были одеты в поношенную и рваную одежду, и понятно, что они были бедные.

Томас не смог усидеть дома. Он подошел к детям и сказал: «Счастливого Рождества! Можно с вами поиграть?» Один из мальчиков сказал: «Конечно».

Они лепили снеговиков, играли в снежки, катались на санках и пели рождественские колядки допоздна. У Томаса еще никогда не было такого чудесного Рождества. Вечером он пригласил бедных детей к себе домой на ужин. Они ели всякие вкусности и хорошо проводили время.

День приближался к концу. «Какое же чудесное это Рождество!» – думал мальчик, раздавая подарки бедным детям. Они поблагодарили мальчика, так как никогда еще не получали таких подарков.

Когда он это услышал, то несказанно обрадовался и понял, что настоящее счастье – это возможность делиться своей радостью с другими.

Пусть в этот день и весь грядущий год с вами будут близкие и любящие люди! С наступающим Рождеством!